الخميس 13 فبراير 2025
WCEEENG, WCPEE, WCMS and WCSITDec. 23 - 25, 2014; Cairo - Egypt
The International Foundation for Modern Education and Scientific Research (INFOMESR), Cairo, Egypt, has the pleasure to organize the 2014 INFOMESR conference on its 6th round. This year conference consists of 4 world congresses:
- WCEEENG (The World Congress on Electronics and Electrical Engineering),
- WCPEE (The World Congress on Power and Energy Engineering),
- WCMS (The World Congress on Mathematics and Statistics), and
- WCSIT (The World Congress on Computer Science and Information Technology);
in the period: December 23 - 25, 2014. In addition to regularly scheduled scientific sessions, separate exhibition, workshops, invited lectures, round tables and seminars will be devoted to the presentation of latest achievements in Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Power, Energy, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, and Information Technology applications. This conference activity is intended to be a forum that facilitates and promotes communication and cooperation among conference participants.
Sponsored by:
The 2014 INFOMESR conference, are sponsored by a lot of educational and industrial organizations and institutes in Egypt and many other countries overall the world.
Conference Boards:
International scientific communities, interested societies and individuals are invited to attend the 2014 INFOMESR conference, in the period: December 23 - 25, 2014.
Conference Venue:
Egypt, Cairo, Triumph Hotel, El Khalifa El Maamoun St., Heliopolies (Location).
The 2014 INFOMESR conference, in the period: December 23 - 25, 2014, is one of the big world events in the field of Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Power, Energy, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, and Information Technology. The objective of the conference is to cover contemporary technology in these areas. The conference will include in its activities: regular papers that cover theory, design and technical aspects, invited lecturers, planner talks, seminars, round tables, workshops and exhibition. The conference will provide a rich scientific forum for overall world university faculties; research institutes researchers and industry specialists.
Conference Language:
English is the official conference language.
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